Creative Director living in San Diego


Weldental was already an established brand with a large following. But they had created all of their own branding in house and now they needed a very quick brand update.

They have a very unique product that delivers Xyllitol through water floossing with their water flossing tips. The only one in the market with such a successful delivery system.

I ended up going with a very simple, clean and clinical look while keeping it approachable. I kept to a modern font, simple graphic and very white, clean design. As well as shooting the products in a simple format for the packaging.

The result is a clean dental care authority feel that gave them the base for their marketing and gave them an updated look.

 Product brochure that goes into new customers packages to promote full line of products

Product brochure that goes into new customers packages to promote full line of products

Inside Spread_1.jpg
Website banner example

Website banner example

 Example of product and packaging design for Weldental

Example of product and packaging design for Weldental

 Example of the brand photography

Example of the brand photography

 Created a cut-away illustration to show how the Weltip product works.

Created a cut-away illustration to show how the Weltip product works.

Video made to promote products and brand on Amazon